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Ali Shourideh

Associate Professor of Economics

Tepper School of Business

Carnegie Mellon University


shourideh at gmail dot com

I am an economic theorist. My area of research is mechanism design and its applications in taxation, market regulations, and communication.



New Papers

Good Data and Bad Data: The Welfare Effects of Price Discrimination

with Maryam Farboodi and Nima Haghpanah

February 2025

Getting the Agent to Wait

with Maryam Saeedi and Yikang Shen

February 2025

Optimal Rating Design under Moral Hazard

with Maryam Saeedi

Draft: July 2023; New version coming soon.

Indicator Choice in Pay-for-Performance

with Majid Mahzoon and Ariel Zetlin-Jones

December 2022

Divide or Confer: Aggregating Information without Verification

with James Best, Dan Quigley and Maryam Saeedi

Coming Soon

Selling with Network Flows: A New Approach to Optimal Multi-Dimensional Mechanisms

with Alexey Kushnir

Draft Coming Soon

Information Disclosure in Matching Markets

with Hugo Hopenhayn and Maryam Saeedi

Coming Soon



Market Making with Search and Information Frictions

with Ben Lester, Venky Venkateswaran, and Ariel Zetlin-Jones

February 2023, Cond. Accepted, Journal of Economic Theory

Optimal Trade Policy with Trade Imbalances

with Mostafa Beshkar

January 2020, Journal of Monetary Economics

Retirement Financing: An Optimal Reform Approach

with Roozbeh Hosseini

July 2019, Econometrica

Screening and Adverse Selection in a Frictional Market

with Ben Lester, Venky Venkateswaran, and Ariel Zetlin-Jones

February 2019, Journal of Political Economy

External Financing and the Role of Financial Frictions over the Business Cycle: Measurement and Theory

with Ariel Zetlin-Jones

December 2017, Journal of Monetary Economics, Supplementary Appendix

Reputation and Persistence of Adverse Selection in Secondary Loan Markets

with V. V. Chari and Ariel Zetlin-Jones

December 2014, American Economic Review

Optimal Contracting and Dynamic Altruism: Consumption and Family Size

with Roozbeh Hosseini and Larry E. Jones

September 2013, Journal of Economic Theory

Online Appendix

Optimal Pension Systems with Simple Instruments

with Mikhail Golosov, Maxim Troshkin and Aleh Tsyvinski

May 2013, American Economic Review P&P

Working Papers

Working Papers

Inequality, Redistribution, and Optimal Trade Policy: A Public Finance Approach

with Roozbeh Hosseini

February 2022

Political Economy of Sovereign Debt: A Theory of Cycles of Populism and Austerity

with Alessandro Dovis and Mikhail Golosov

New Version Coming Soon

Efficiency and Adverse Selection: On the Role of Mutual Contracts

with V. V. Chari and Ariel Zetlin-Jones

Draft Coming Soon

Optimal Taxation of Wealthy Individual

with Nick Hoffman

New Version Coming Soon

Incentives and Efficiency of Pension Systems

with Maxim Troshkin

July 2017

PhD Students

Over the course of my academic career at Penn and CMU, I have had the privilege of working with several bright PhD students.

Field: Microeconomics, Political Economy

Paper: Populism as Persuasion without Common Knowledge


Field: Macro

Paper: Differential Impact of AI on workers: A Multi-Factor Approach


Field: Public Finance, Applied Economics

Paper: Matching and Optimal Taxation


Field: Environmental, Microeconomics

Paper: A Delegation Approach to Environmental Treaties



Field: Macroeconomics, Applied Economics

Paper: Saving Policies with Persistent Shocks (with Liyan Shi and me)



Field: Microeconomics, Media Economics

Paper: Catering to the Bias (with Maryam Saeedi and me)



Field: Microeconomics, Information Economics

Thesis: Essays on Consumer Information in Online Markets



Field: Macroeconomics, Public Economics

Thesis: Wealth, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Policy



Field: Microeconomics, Organizational Economics

Job Market Paper: Hierarchical Bayesian Persuasion: Importance of Vice Presidents


University of Central Florida


Field: Macroeconomics, Labor Economics

Job Market Paper: Firm-Bias, Skill-Bias, and Wage Inequality


Wake Forest University



Xuege Zhang


Field: Macroeconomics, Trade, Urban

Job Market Paper: External Economies of Scale and Place-Based Industrial Policies




Field: Macroeconomics, Trade

Job Market Paper: A Tale of Many Cities: Industrial Networks and Urban Productivity




Field: Macroeconomics, Labor

Job Market Paper: Technological Advancements and Labor Reallocation


Revelio Labs​


Daniel Wills


Field: Macroeconomics, Public Finance

Job Market Paper: Taxing Firms Facing Financial Frictions


Asofondos de Colombia


A while ago I gave a presentation to our students on research in economics - slides


AEAs resources on Job Market Preparations - link


William Thomson's book on how to be an academic economist - link


You can never spend enough time on writing! Check out the book by Zinser, On Writing Well - link


Nothing is more enjoyable than working with and learning from other smart people. I have been lucky to work with many.

Maryam SaeediCarnegie Mellon University

Ariel Zetlin-JonesCarnegie Mellon University

Alexey KushnirCarnegie Mellon University

James BestCarnegie Mellon University

Liyan ShiCarnegie Mellon University

Majid MahzoonCarnegie Mellon University

Nick HoffmanCarnegie Mellon University

Yikang ShenCarnegie Mellon University

Shuoqi SunCarnegie Mellon University

Hoang-Anh NguyenCarnegie Mellon University

Larry E JonesUniversity of Minnesota

V. V. ChariUniversity of Minnesota

Roozbeh HosseiniUniversity of Georgia

Benjamin LesterFederal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Venky VenkateswaranNew York University

Mikhail GolosovUniversity of Chicago

Aleh TsyvinskiYale University

Alessandro DovisUniversity of Pennsylvania

Dan QuigleyUniversity of Oxford

Nima HaghpanahPenn State University

Mostafa BeshkarIndiana University at Bloomington

Maxim Troshkin, University of Exeter

(at CMU)

PhD Classes

​Mechanism Design - Syllabus - Older Page

Microeconomics 3 - Syllabus

Macroeconomics 1 - Syllabus - Older Page

Macroeconomics 2 - Older Page

Macroeconomics 3 - Older Page

Public Economics - Syllabus


MBA and Undergraduate Classes

Fundamentals of Business - Syllabus

Strategies in Information Markets - Syllabus

Statistical Decision Making - Syllabus

Intermediate Macroeconomics - Syllabus


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